Introduction to TensorFlow Variables
Hello there, today we are going to learn about TensorFlow variables. Just like Python variables, TensorFlow variables are used to store, reference, and manipulate data. Although functionally they are very different. This article will try to help you understand what a TensorFlow variable is and how it works.
[link] Creating Tensorflow Variables
Creating and assigning variables in Python is really easy:
In [1]: x = 5
In [2]: y = x * 3
In [3]: print(y)
Easy, right? Here’s a catch though—Tensorflow variables initialization is a bit different than this. In TensorFlow, you need to create a variable by using the tf.Variable
constructor. The constructor takes the variable initialization value as a parameter and has an optional keyword parameter “name” to assign a internal name to the variable. This internal naming different than the actual variable name that you define during assignment. It comes in handy when you need to save and restore your variable instances while using TensorFlow.
We’ll talk about internal variable naming in a different post. Meanwhile, here’s what the tf.Variable
constructor syntax looks like:
In [4]: import tensorflow as tf
In [5]: w = tf.Variable(<initial-value>, name=<optional-name>)
Let’s try creating a Tensorflow variable:
In [6]: x = tf.constant(5, name='x')
In [7]: y = tf.Variable(x * 3, name='y')
Here, we’ve created a tf.constant
with a value ‘5’. Mathematically, a constant is a fixed value that never changes. We then take this constant and use it to compute another variable y. Although quite the same thing as a Python variable, neither the syntax nor the functionality bears similarity to the variables that we defined before.
What is the difference though? Let’s try printing the value of the variable y:
In [8]: print(y)
Tensor("y/read:0", shape=(), dtype=int32)
Oddly enough, the variable y does not contain the expected output yet, as TensorFlow variable does not compute any values when initialized. This is because TensorFlow handles variables differently.
[link] In what ways is a Tensorflow variable different?
Unlike Python variables, there is no computation taking place at runtime. Instead, TensorFlow takes as input all the variables and constants as functions, and stores them as tensors. Using these tensors, Tensorflow generates a computational graph which is then used to compute the output for the variables defined in the graph at the time of session execution.
[link] What is a computational graph?
A computational graph is a group or series of related TensorFlow operations—Consider it as a data structure graph with nodes connected to each other through links, where each node may take zero or more tensors as input. Each connected node produces a tensor as an output and passes it up ahead to the next connected node as an input. This continues until it reaches the root node, or till the end of the computational graph.
[link] What are tensors?
Tensors are nothing but matrix-like objects that describe relations between scalars, vectors and other tensors. Using these tensors, we can represent the computational output of any operation. From the documentation:
“A Tensor is a symbolic handle to one of the outputs of an Operation. It does not hold the values of that operation’s output, but instead provides a means of computing those values in a TensorFlow
Simply put, tensors are a type of data structure which do not hold any computational value in them. Instead, they contain information on how to compute the given values, or basically states the flow of tensors (*slow claps*). To actually transform these tensors into a graph (or graphs), we need to initialize the variables, which creates a tensor object of the graph. A tensor object is nothing but a set of operations which may have tensors at input and output.
Multiple such related tensor objects make up a computational graph. We then execute this graph in a session to calculate the value for the initialized variables, and the session needs to be executed each time the value of the variables is to be updated.
[link] Generating a Tensorflow computational graph
Now that we know what a computational graph is and what it is made up of, we need to generate a graph for all the variables in the code—as the variable y
that we have defined is computationally dependent on the constant value x
. For this we’ll use tf.global_variables_initializer
. This is a TensorFlow helper function which initializes all the variables by creating a graph of dependencies and relationships between the variables when executed.1 There also exists an alternative if you want to initialize only a select bunch of variables.2
This helper function does not require any parameters to execute because it initializes all the global variables defined in the code.
Okay, now let’s try initializing the defined variables:
In [9]: import tensorflow as tf
In [10]: x = tf.constant(5, name='x')
In [11]: y = tf.Variable(x * 3, name='y')
In [12]: compute = tf.global_variables_initializer()
The code doesn’t actually compute anything yet either. This is because we have only initialized the graph so far.
Let us check what the variable compute contains:
In [13]: print(compute)
name: "init"
op: "NoOp"
input: "^Variable/Assign"
input: "^y/Assign"
Although the output doesn’t really make much sense, it states that the compute variable contains a variable initializer function. This also means that we have generated the computational graph by initializing the variables. Now to make TensorFlow compute the value for our operation, we need to execute the computational graph and the variable y.
[link] Executing the TensorFlow computational graph
To execute a graph, we first need to create a TensorFlow session wherein the output for the initialized variables can be computed. A session in TensorFlow is an instance for executing initialized variables and other operations that one may wish to perform during the session. From the documentation:
“A Session instance encapsulates the environment in which Operations in a Graph are executed to compute Tensors.”
We can create a session with tf.Session
and use it to execute the graph. We also need to explicitly close the session after we’re done using it. Doing so is considered to be a “good practice”. For this we need to call close()
on the session object after we’re done with it. The session can also be automatically closed by creating the session using the with
keyword in Python. Then, we can compute the graph and execute the variable y.
In [14]: with tf.Session() as sess:
... print(
Here, we first create a TensorFlow session named sess
, and run the compute variable—the variable which contains a function to initialize all the variables that we defined, and the variable y
. It is not always required to create a variable for tf.global_variables_initializer
, but has been done for ease and understanding in this blog post. Also, it is also not required that you run the initializer unless there is a TensorFlow variable or a placeholder defined in the code. As an example:
In [15]: with tf.Session() as sess:
... print(
Do we need to do this every time we create a session? Frankly, the answer is both yes, and no.
We need to execute the variable every time it is updated, but we initialize the variables just once. It is not recommended to reinitialize the variables all over because doing so generates duplicate operations.3
Can we update the variables in the session? Yes, that can be done and is a pretty normal thing to do.
Let’s try updating the variable out for the sake of completeness:
In [16]: import tensorflow as tf
In [17]: a = tf.Variable(0, name='a')
In [18]: init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
In [19]: with tf.Session() as sess:
... for i in range(5):
... a = a + i
... print(
The variables can be updated during the session, and each time the variable is updated, we need to run it to compute the updated value. Once again, we do not need to initialize the variables every time we run the operations. This is because every time we run tf.global_variable_initializer()
a duplicate graph for the same operation is initialized.
So that’s it for this article, I hope this brief introduction helped you understand the basic functionality of TensorFlow variables.
[link] References
TensorFlow documentation : Variables: Creation, Initialization, Saving, and Loading